
Welcome back to school and Happy 2016 to all our students and their families!

Our HSA meeting this month will be devoted to 8th Grade Parents.  It will be held at Morristown High School on Tuesday, January 12th at 7:00pm. The meeting will consist of Mr. Manning, the MHS guidance director and all of the supervisors (with the exception of Kara Douma, Supervisor of English and Special Ed as she is on maternity leave) to provide a BROAD overview of curriculum at MHS.

It is an opportunity for parents who are new to MHS to hear about graduation requirements, required courses, and a sampling of the elective offerings. It is a panel forum with each supervisor sharing an overview of the courses in his/her department, which courses are required for graduation, and the sequence of courses in that department.

They do allow a little time for Q&A, however they GREATLY appreciate keeping the meeting to 1 hour overall. We encourage all 8th grade parents to attend to hear about all the wonderful opportunities offered at our high school.

Have a great week!

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