
Greetings Frelinghuysen Middle School Community,

Thank you for your efforts to make the opening week of the 2016-2017 school year a successful one at Frelinghuysen Middle School. Throughout the summer, our custodians and teachers put in an inchallwaysredible amount of work to create a supportive and inspiring environment for our students to enter last Tuesday.

And, despite the stifling heat, the students and staff settled in very quickly and began building positive relationships with one another and engaging in some high quality learning.

boardStudents and teachers were reading and writing, practicing math, learning classroom routines, and participating in community circles to get to know one another.  This week was a strong foundation to build on for week #2 and beyond.

Over the next few weeks, we will be introducing you to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and to Canvas. The PowerSchool Parent Portal is an online mefms2ans for you to track your child’s attendance and grades in each class in real time. Canvas, which is used at Morristown High School by all staff and students, is a learning management system that will be the one place you and your child need to go to view the week’s homework assignments, and tests/quizzes for each of his/her classes.  Canvas is replacing Homework Now and will be used by all FMS teachers this year. Both of these digital tools are invaluable resources for you to help your child manage their work and their academic progress. We will have more information for you about PowerSchool and Canvas at our Back-to-School Nights next week.

Finally, this year – thanks to the generosity of the Morris Educational Foundation and the FMS Home and School Association – we will have an Artist-in-Residence at FMS throughout November to work with our students on the creation of a mural legacy project in our cafeteria. This is an important part of our efforts at FMS to pfms1artner with our community in beautifying our school and to build strong connections between all of  stakeholders. Now, we are looking for input from you and your children to help the artist establish a theme and ideas for the mural that our students will be excited to look at each day for years to come.  We want to know what about Frelinghuysen Middle School is most important to you and your family? What do you value the most about our school community and the experience you and your child/children have had with it? Please take a few moments to share your inspiring ideas about what you believe would make our mural a success by going to https://goo.gl/forms/V8ZmeKTB24XXHiFl1 and completing a very brief survey. We very much value your input! Over the next few weeks, our HSA will be reaching out for volunteers to support this enormous effort to create a community mural in our cafeteria. We hope you can be part of it.  Have a fantastic week!

In partnership,

Mr. Uglialoro


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