Co-Presidents’ Message 1/18/16

Co-Presidents’ Message 1/18/16

 Last week Mr. U gave us an outline of his upcoming meetings, “Envisioning the School Our Children Deserve” on Thursday, January 28th at 9:00am and 7 pm.  We hope you will join us for the workshops that will shape the future of our school. We will also be...
Co-Presidents’ Message 1/10/16

Co-Presidents’ Message 1/10/16

Welcome back to school and Happy 2016 to all our students and their families! Our HSA meeting this month will be devoted to 8th Grade Parents.  It will be held at Morristown High School on Tuesday, January 12th at 7:00pm. The meeting will consist of Mr. Manning, the...
Principal’s Message 1/10/16

Principal’s Message 1/10/16

Greetings Frelinghuysen Community, I hope everyone enjoyed a joyous, healthy, and relaxing Winter Vacation. I am excited to report that the FMSstudents and staff had a successful first week back, and that some new and exciting opportunities are available to all of our...
Co-Presidents’ Message 12/20/15

Co-Presidents’ Message 12/20/15

Mr. Gonsky did it again! Our FMS Falcons are real songbirds! We had a beautiful and really impressive winter concert. The auditorium was filled with holiday spirit. Speaking of holidays, we will begin our Winter Break with a 1/2 day this Wednesday and we do not return...
Principal’s Message 12/20/15

Principal’s Message 12/20/15

Greetings Frelinghuysen Community, Happy holidays! I hope you are looking forward to a joyous and restful holiday break with your family. We have a full day of school this Monday and Tuesday, and then a half day on Wednesday before we say goodbye until Monday, January...
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